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Praying Together


Being The Agent of Change

Commandr's Premium Smoked Meats is the go-to provider of quality smoked meat products. We take pride in our commitment to the highest standards of quality and our dedication to customer satisfaction.

What sets us apart is that we donate a portion from every smoked meat purchase to charity. Not only do you get to enjoy some of the best smoked meats around, but you also help those in need. We invite you to join us in making a difference.

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COMMANDR's Smoked Meats supports the shown organizations because they are faithful in the mission of being a blessing to others through various outlet channels.

  1. Homelessness

  2. Family restoration

  3. Community health

  4. Food distributions 

  5. Community restorations

  6. Emergency Services   

The Salvation Army Central Maryland


COMMANDR's Smoked Meats vison is to stand with other organization who believe in being an asset in our nation and being the agent of change in bringing hope, restoration ,love and new beginnings.

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